
八字排盘:丁亥 壬寅 壬午 辛丑_紫微排盘:巨门在子_2007-02-17丑时男命盘

上一个时辰 女命盘 下一个时辰
 前一天 转入排盘系统 后一天 
首页 > 综合排盘 > 公历2007-02-17 > 丑时 > 男命盘

四柱八字排盘(男命:丁亥 壬寅 壬午 辛丑)

出生:公历 2007年02月17日(周六) 02时00分00秒  性别:男
   农历 二〇〇六(狗)年腊月三十 丑时 三元九运:下元八白土
立春:公历 2007-02-04 13:18:12 (节后:12天12时41分48秒)
惊蛰:公历 2007-03-06 07:17:59 (节前:17天05时17分59秒)
旬空: 午未   辰巳   申酉   辰巳
    正财   比肩   日元   正印   
乾造: 丁    壬    壬    辛
    亥    寅    午    丑    

   壬比肩  甲食神  丁正财  己正官  
   甲食神  丙偏财  己正官  辛正印  
        戊七杀       癸劫财 
    临官   病    胎    衰 
   屋上土  金箔金  杨柳木  壁上土
信达利四柱八字(紫微斗数)在线排盘系统 http://www.paipan.wang
  公历 2011年05月13日 12时00分 (逆行)
  农历 2011年04月11日 逢辛年巳月(立夏后第8天)换大运
      壁上 壁上 平地 平地 山下 山下 沙中 沙中 
      土  土  木  木  火  火  金  金  
      衰  帝旺 临官 冠带 沐浴 长生 养  胎 
      正印 偏印 正官 七杀 正财 偏财 伤官 食神
大运:   辛丑 庚子 己亥 戊戌 丁酉 丙申 乙未 甲午
      正官 劫财 比肩 七杀 正印 偏印 正官 正财
实岁:    4岁 14岁 24岁 34岁 44岁 54岁 64岁 74岁
起於:2006 2011 2021 2031 2041 2051 2061 2071 2081
      辛卯 辛丑 辛亥 辛酉 辛未 辛巳 辛卯 辛丑
      壬辰 壬寅 壬子 壬戌 壬申 壬午 壬辰 壬寅
      癸巳 癸卯 癸丑 癸亥 癸酉 癸未 癸巳 癸卯
      甲午 甲辰 甲寅 甲子 甲戌 甲申 甲午 甲辰
      乙未 乙巳 乙卯 乙丑 乙亥 乙酉 乙未 乙巳

   丁亥 丙申 丙午 丙辰 丙寅 丙子 丙戌 丙申 丙午
   戊子 丁酉 丁未 丁巳 丁卯 丁丑 丁亥 丁酉 丁未
   己丑 戊戌 戊申 戊午 戊辰 戊寅 戊子 戊戌 戊申
   庚寅 己亥 己酉 己未 己巳 己卯 己丑 己亥 己酉
   辛卯 庚子 庚戌 庚申 庚午 庚辰 庚寅 庚子 庚戌
临界:壬辰 辛丑 辛亥 辛酉 辛未 辛巳 辛卯 辛丑 辛亥
止於:2011 2021 2031 2041 2051 2061 2071 2081 2091
      乙未 乙酉 乙亥 乙丑 乙卯 乙巳 乙未 乙酉
      甲午 甲申 甲戌 甲子 甲寅 甲辰 甲午 甲申
      癸巳 癸未 癸酉 癸亥 癸丑 癸卯 癸巳 癸未
      壬辰 壬午 壬申 壬戌 壬子 壬寅 壬辰 壬午
      辛卯 辛巳 辛未 辛酉 辛亥 辛丑 辛卯 辛巳

   庚子 庚寅 庚辰 庚午 庚申 庚戌 庚子 庚寅 庚辰
   己亥 己丑 己卯 己巳 己未 己酉 己亥 己丑 己卯
   戊戌 戊子 戊寅 戊辰 戊午 戊申 戊戌 戊子 戊寅
   丁酉 丁亥 丁丑 丁卯 丁巳 丁未 丁酉 丁亥 丁丑
   丙申 丙戌 丙子 丙寅 丙辰 丙午 丙申 丙戌 丙子
临界:乙未 乙酉 乙亥 乙丑 乙卯 乙巳 乙未 乙酉 乙亥

年:天德 -福星 禄神 劫煞
月:文昌 -国印 -亡神 孤辰 绞煞
时:金舆 天医

胎元:癸巳 [长流水]  命宫:壬寅 [金箔金]  星座:水瓶座
Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 100 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

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Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 102 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 103 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 104 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 105 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 106 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 107 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 108 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 109 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 110 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 111 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 112 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 113 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 114 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 115 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 116 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 117 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 118 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 119 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 120 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 121 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 122 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 123 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 124 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 125 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 126 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 127 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 128 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 129 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 130 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 131 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 132 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 133 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 134 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 135 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 136 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 137 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 138 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 139 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 140 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 141 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 142 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 143 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 144 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 145 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 146 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 147 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 148 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 149 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 150 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

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Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 152 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 153 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 154 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 155 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

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Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 159 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 160 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 161 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 162 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

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Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 169 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 170 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 171 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

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Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 174 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 175 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 176 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

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Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 178 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 179 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 180 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 181 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 182 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 183 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 184 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 185 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 186 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 187 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 188 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 189 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 190 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 191 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 192 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

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Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 196 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 197 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 198 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 199 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 200 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 201 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 202 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 203 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 204 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 205 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 206 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 207 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 208 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 209 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 210 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 211 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 212 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 213 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 214 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 215 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 216 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 217 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 218 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 219 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 220 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 221 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 222 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 223 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 224 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 225 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 226 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 227 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 228 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 229 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 230 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 231 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 232 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 233 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 234 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 235 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 236 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 237 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 238 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 239 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 240 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 241 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 242 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 243 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 244 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 245 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 246 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 247 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 248 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 249 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 250 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 251 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 252 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 253 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 254 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 255 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 256 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 257 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 258 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 259 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 260 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 261 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 262 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 263 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 264 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 265 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 266 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 267 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 268 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 269 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 270 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 271 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 272 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 273 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 274 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 275 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 276 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 277 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 278 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 279 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 280 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 281 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 282 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 283 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 284 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 285 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 286 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 287 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 288 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 289 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 290 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 291 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 292 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 293 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 294 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 295 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 296 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 297 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 298 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 299 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 300 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 301 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 302 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 303 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 304 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 305 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 306 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 307 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 308 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 309 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 310 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 311 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 312 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 313 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 314 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 315 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 316 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 317 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 318 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 319 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 320 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 321 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 322 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 323 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 324 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 325 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 326 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 327 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 328 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 329 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 330 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 331 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 332 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 333 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 334 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 335 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 336 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 337 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 338 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 339 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 340 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 341 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 342 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 343 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 344 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 345 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 346 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 347 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 348 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 349 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 350 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 351 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 352 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 353 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 354 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 355 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 356 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 357 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 358 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 359 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 360 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 361 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 362 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 363 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 364 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 365 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 366 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 367 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 368 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 369 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 370 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 371 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 372 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 373 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 374 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 375 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 376 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 377 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 378 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 379 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 380 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 381 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 382 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 383 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 384 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 385 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 386 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 387 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 388 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 389 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 390 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 391 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 392 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256

Warning: pg_fetch_array() [function.pg-fetch-array]: Unable to jump to row 393 on PostgreSQL result index 417 in /opt/www/8z/mp/lib/dbsql.php on line 256


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命主:贪狼 身主:文昌 子斗:寅 土五局
公历:2007-02-17 02:00:00
农历:二〇〇六年腊月三十日 丑时

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乾造:丁   壬   壬   辛
   亥   寅   午   丑

申 壬比肩 甲食神 丁正财 己正官
酉 甲食神 丙偏财 己正官 辛正印
日     戊七杀     癸劫财
空  临官  病   胎   衰 
  屋上土 金箔金 杨柳木 壁上土
正印 偏印 正官 七杀 正财 偏财 伤官
辛丑 庚子 己亥 戊戌 丁酉 丙申 乙未
正官 劫财 比肩 七杀 正印 偏印 正官
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